Done is Better than Perfect
As we dive into the real world, initially we think that everything can be done swiftly and perfectly in first attempt, but as soon we get mature with experience, this theory often leads to some issues, drawbacks, and anomalies and as a result, reality becomes clearer and understandable.
If you are anything like me, you pay close attention to details. I have learned that it’s usually better to get a product out there as quickly as possible, learn from it, and improve it over time. Striving for perfection can hinder the process of creating a high-quality product, rather than being an excuse to produce subpar work. This is a reminder that it’s important to focus on excellence rather than perfection.
Everyone, regardless of their field, can relate to this theory at some point in time, but here my focal thought behind this writing is under the umbrella of the software domain. Most of the time we are stuck and find ourselves at crossroads, most of the time it is not due to a lack of our abilities, but in a way that is due to our lack of abilities and that is not the technical ones that are our decision-making abilities which have to be the right one at the right time.
let’s say we are building software and tomorrow is its deadline, we have done everything, but we are not satisfied and sure about its release and the dilemma starts here, we are confused, unclear, and not sure of our next course of action, whether to deliver it or make it perfect? Although it is working and up running from last few days, yet we are working on its perfection whether it’s the design, code, format, standards refactoring, we are doing them and playing with, working and running the software repeatedly without any major issue and delaying our initial deliverable.
If we are going for perfection in the first place, we are deviating and drifting ourselves from the right path just for our own content and delight. We can deliver a perfect project or product before a final release and the path should be a good one, not the perfect one.
Perfection is not bad at all, but this kills creativity; In fact, we should deliver our deliverables in small chunks without any perfection and get some feedback from customers and clients to make sure where are we lacking and what the way forward is. When we are aware of every requirement, we can make great effort in the right time and place. A good project or product can lead us to perfection with a step-by-step effort.
Anything we do in our lives is not perfect, it can be good or excellent but not perfect. Nothing can be perfect, but we can make sure that anything we are doing is full of passion and commitment.